Land Conservation
Creation of a “green zone” to ensure that the maximum amount of undeveloped land is protected
The Pipeline Corridor
Chinook Pathways’ purchase of Trans Mountain is an opportunity like no other. It will create economic and job prospects, and educational possibilities for Indigenous groups along the pipeline corridor.
These are important and allow our communities to prosper. But beyond this potential lies a future where we can participate in a project and be treated equally as an economic partner for a development on treaty lands and traditional territories. It allows our Indigenous communities to fulfill our role as environmental stewards of the land we live on. It sets the stage for Indigenous communities to have direct influence once again on the future of our soil, land, air, plants, wildlife, and watersheds.
It will generate the revenue to give back into our community programs and services such as:
Extended health services
Elder support
Employment and housing assistance
Youth sports and recreation
Cultural practices
Education and training
Real Progress Toward Reconciliation
Indigenous ownership of Trans Mountain is true progress that will allow our communities and Canadians to move forward together and return economic self-sufficiency to local Indigenous communities along the pipeline route.
It gives Canadians a chance to come together with our Indigenous communities in a fair and just manner, and sets the stage for lasting positive change.
In pursuit of reconciliation, equity ownership will represent a tangible step in rebuilding relationships between Indigenous communities and the Government of Canada.
This bid is a “made in Canada” solution – protecting the jobs and economic opportunities that Trans Mountain represents for all Canadians and encouraging unity across the country between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups, and the Government of Canada.
WIPG wants to bring together Indigenous communities along the pipeline route in a unified approach. We’ve read comprehensive community plans and have heard what’s important to our communities. Our leadership is listening and will be standing up for our shared values. We’ve entered into binding agreements with many communities and continue to see momentum growing towards our shared goal of material equity ownership.